Friday, December 4, 2009

Imperfect C++ Inventions #1: auto_buffer


auto_buffer is a C++ class template.


It's purpose is to avoid memory allocation costs in cases where the sizes of most, but not all, allocations for a given operation are known to occur below a certain threshold. It is intended to be used as a variable in automatic scope (i.e. a stack variable). This is very common in cases such as allocating space for a file-system path, where most fall within, say, 100 characters, but rare cases may extend to several thousand characters: using a stack buffer of 100 would lead to overruns, using a stack buffer of 10,000 would, even if above the maximum value, lead to undesirable stack-related performance effects.

It is implemented in terms of a standard allocator-conformant type, determined via the specialisation of the auto_buffer class template, defaulted to a specialisation of std::allocator. By design, it can be specialized only by POD types, since one of the . As noted in section 16.2.1 of Extended STL, volume 1, despite, for convenience, providing many methods found on standard containers, auto_buffer is not a container, and should ever be mistaken for such.

As extensive performance studies (and a lot of real-world use) have demonstrated, auto_buffer is effectively a way of having (almost) all the performance of stack-based memory allocation while having the flexibility of heap-based memory allocation. Furthermore, it is portable and has no drawbacks as regards its intended purpose; all other options, such as alloca() and Variable-Length Arrays, have unacceptable behaviour and/or portability and/or language-specificity, as described in detail in chapter 32 of Imperfect C++.


auto_buffer had a very prosaic start in life. Long ago, in a programming fashion far, far away, I was implementing a suite of utility functions providing a multibyte string conversion layer over an API that was implemented in terms of wide strings. The first implementation used the heap to allocate a block of memory in which to write the converted form, before passing on to the underlying API. Understandably, this rankled, particularly when most of the converted strings fell well within a buffer size that one might comfortably use on the stack at the time (early 1990s).

The second implementation of these utilities consequently declared a local (stack) buffer, which was used if it could accommodate the given requirement, otherwise the heap was used as before. Later, once enough compilers caught up with the requirements of the type, these implementations were replaced by LocalBuffer, the Synesis Software class template that later evolved into STLSoft's auto_buffer.


Implementations of auto_buffer are found for STLSoft and Boost:


It has dependencies only on standard facilities.


Within STLSoft, auto_buffer is used within many components, including ones for character encoding and conversion, process enumeration, Windows registry, ACE communications component adaptors, formatting functions, file-system processing, to name but a few.

In other open-source libraries it is used to enhance performance at the function-scale, particularly in the high-performance formatting and diagnostic logging libraries, FastFormat and Pantheios.

Being a low-level component - in particular, being (by design) only specializable for POD types - it tends not to be used too often in application code. Nonetheless, in several commercial applications in recent years, I have found a need for the component, to assist in safely optimising performance bottlenecks where the majority of memory allocations fall within a known bound.

Further Reading

Imperfect C++ Inventions: introduction

Recently, I've been asked by a couple of readers to enumerate the inventions and new definitions (as opposed to techniques, or already established technologies) introduced in Imperfect C++. Specifically, what are the (C++) programming components/techniques/technologies that I invented that are documented in the book.

To satisfy this request, I will make a series of posts covering the inventions and new definitions, including:
  • array_proxy
  • auto_buffer
  • dimensionof
  • Empty Derived Optimization (EDO)
  • explicit_cast
  • fast integer to string conversion
  • fast string concatenation
  • interface_cast
  • multi-dimensional array(s)
  • portable vtables
  • (C++) properties
  • ranges
  • shims
  • true typedefs
Each post will discuss technical details of the invention, any related art, the circumstances of its creation (usually necessity for something that the C++ language did not afford me), any technical limitations, and any well-known uses of it in projects or other software libraries.

Note 1: I'm only discussing inventions that are described in Imperfect C++. Things that I've later concocted are/will be discussed elsewhere. For example: the Type Tunnel and Handle::Ref+Wrapper patterns and the Principle of Intersecting Conformance will be discussed in Breaking Up The Monolith; C# Static Extension Methods will be discussed in Imperfect C#; and so on.

Note 2: I'm not claiming in every case that the invention is creditable only to me. Some were joint efforts (e.g. Ranges, with John Torjo); some are my taking an existing technique to new lengths and depths (e.g. Shims); some are my satisfying a known problem in a different way, or providing greater portability over existing forms (e.g. C++ properties). Other than those caveats, however, and the obvious "standing on the shoulders of giants" that is the business of all software designers, these are mine, and any similarity to other inventions, living or dead, is purely coincidental. ;-)

And, of course, there's something of an ulterior motive, in that the full descriptions and design decisions regarding each invention are to be found only in the book, which you may wish to consider getting hold of if you've not done so (particularly now that the reprint will shortly be available).

Reprint publication schedule

I've heard from my editor, and the next run of Imperfect C++ went to the printer on 20th November and should be bound on 11th December, so should be available towards the end of the month.

If you are still having issues with availability in the new year, please let me know and I'll contact the publisher for more information.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Imperfect C++ online content

I thought it'd be useful to list the available online resources for Imperfect C++:

Sample Chapters:
Related Articles:

 I'll update this list from time to time as I remember more ...

    Thursday, November 19, 2009

    Where is "Breaking Up The Monolith"?

    Some readers have asked recently (and not so recently, my having taken 3+ years so far) when Breaking Up The Monolith is going to be published?

    The short answer is: 2010

    The long answer is somewhat more complex, so I'll answer it on Monolith's blog.

    Reprint coming ...

    I've been contacted recently a few times by (potential) readers complaining that they can't get hold of Imperfect C++, and wondering whether it's out of print. As I've previously reported, a reprint has been prepared and should, as I speak, be being used to create new gems from dead trees. ;-)

    I'll drop a note to my editor, and ask how the production process is going ...

    Wednesday, November 18, 2009

    More Imperfect C++? More imperfections, anyway

    For the rest of 2009, and probably through 2010, I'm planning to start looking at some more imperfections not covered in the book. Some of these will reflect reader feedback in the five years - is it that long!? - since Imperfect C++ was published; some will reflect my own further dissatisfactions with the language and its various implementations.

    I don't have any firm plans yet to do a More Imperfect C++, but given the imminent expansion of the language with C++1x (formerly known as C++0x), it couldn't hurt to start thinking about it. Readers, and other interested parties, are invited to contact me with any ideas/imperfections they may have.

    Tuesday, November 17, 2009

    New Recommendation in Reprint: use of parent_class_type member typedef

    A new recommendation has been added, in section 18.5.1 (on page 302):

    Recommendation: Use parent_class_type for maintenance robustness.

    The section discusses the utility of member types, and in particular why it is useful to have a member typedef for the (primary) parent type.

    Monday, November 16, 2009

    New Recommendation in Reprint: use of macros to define 64-bit integer literals

    A new recommendation has been added, in section 15.4.2 (on page 240):

    Recommendation: Use macros to abstract away differences for 64-bit integer literals.

    This is due to the use of non-standard literal suffixes - L / LL, UL / ULL - in different compilers

    Saturday, November 14, 2009

    New Recommendation in Reprint: use of bools in literal expressions

    A new recommendation has been added, in section 15.3 (on page 237):

    Recommendation: Do not use literal true in conditional expressions. Avoid using literal false in conditonal expressions.

    This is due to the discussed issues regarding the possibility of multiple non-false values in C/C++.

    Saturday, November 7, 2009

    Reprint pending

    I'm just working through the final checks of the corrected manuscript that will be used in the upcoming reprint of Imperfect C++. All being well, the reprint should occur this month (Nov. 2009). It will incorporate all the feedback that has been submitted on the website's errata page between the publication and mid-2009, as well as that received via email and other sources.

    A great many thanks go out to all readers who submitted feedback. I've done my best to ensure that every one of you is named in the acknowledgements in the reprinted version.


    Welcome to the "Imperfect C++" blog!

    Just a first "hello" to all readers of Imperfect C++, and of this blog. Even though the book is now over five years old, it still continues to draw references and the occasional controversy, so I've created this blog for three reasons:

    • To announce news regarding the book (such as reprints, reviews, and so on) and other books (including the books I'm currently working on)
    • To highlight, or discuss further, imperfections highlighted within the book
    • To discuss new imperfections, libraries, techniques and tools that I think may be of interest to the readers of Imperfect C++
    Thanks for listening
